What We Do
Datains™ provides products & services, which relate to Big Data & Applied Artificial Intelligence.
Our products are ready to use & contain pre-defined models & insights. Meanwhile our services offer flexible implementation of big data & artificial Intelligence to meet requirements.
Datains™ offer services to help customers deploy Big Data & AI platforms, collect data, integrate internal & external data, build insightful dashboard and run a sustainable data analytics cycles. We are ready to discuss and implement any descriptive, diagnostic & predictive analytics, together with our valuable customers & partners.
There are many opportunity insights from your hidden potential data! Let us work together!
Data Services
Data Analytics Implementation
We have experiences to implement data analytics projects of various use case domains, for government & non-government institutions. It covers end-to-end activities, from data assessment to data visualization.
Data Platform Implementation
We help customers deploy Big Data Platform with suitable and preferred technologies. It can be implemented in customers environment or in cloud infrastructures.
Data Analytics Products
People Profiling
Talent profiling, employee engagement, social network analysis
Media Monitoring
Brand & campaign monitoring, electronic clipping, competitor analysis
Digital Cabinet ™
Digital filing storage, fast searching, categorization, fraud detection
Mobility Intelligence
Origin-destination analysis, housing & transport affordability
Location Intelligence
Visitor profiling, home & workplace prediction, travel & staying time
Hotel Intelligence
Rate shopper analysis, hospitality sentiment analysis, competitor analysis
Machine Vision Products
Face Verification
Attendance & exam system, AI-based proctoring, public services verification
Face Recognition
Surveillance system, gate access system, demography profiling
Crowd Detection
Crowd counting, crowd estimation on public events or at any public spaces
Vehicle Detection
Vehicle counting, classification, speed estimation, smart parking with LPR
License Plate Recognition
Law enforcement system, smart parking, petrol station monitoring
Behaviour Detection
Traffic behaviour detection, visitor behaviour recognition
Our Partners
Universitas Gadjah Mada
Our Customers
Itjen Kemenkeu
Pusdatin Kementerian ATR BPN
Dirjen SDPPI Kemenkominfo
Dirjen Hubdat Kemenhub
BPSDM Kemenhub
Subdit TB Kemenkes
Diskominfo Pemda DI Yogyakarta
Diskominfo Pemprov Sumbar
Diskominfosan Pemkot Yogyakarta
Diskominfo Pemkot Tangsel
Diskominfo Pemkot Surakarta
Pusdatin BSSN
Pusdatin BPOM
Sigap Prima Astrea
AKR Corporindo
PM PGN Solution
Nippon Koei
Angkasa Pura 2
Humas UMY
Let us Collaborate
We are open & ready to collaborate with partners to broaden the implementation of big data & artificial intelligence in the impactful ecosystem in Indonesia.
Headquarter Address
Jalan Cik Di Tiro 34, Terban, Kec. Gondokusuman, Kota Yogyakarta 55223 Indonesia
email info@datains.id | Whatsapp +62-815-2010-071